After attempting a tart crust- and failing as the dough did not hold together- I moved to plan B. Frozen puff pastry dough is a gift from the gods as far as I am concerned! For my version of Apple Jalousie, I saute Granny Smith apples (peeled, cored, and thinly sliced) in butter with sugar and
ginger. The ginger is the key- also letting it saute until the sugar is caramelized. Yum!
The frozen puff pastry must be allowed to thaw and once that is done, cut two rectangles (I used a wavy edged vegetable chopper which makes a pretty edge) from the pastry. Lay the apples on the bottom rectangle. Fold the top rectangle and make slices with a sharp knife cut 1-1/2-inch-long slashes at 1-inch intervals along the folded side of the dough; leave at least a 1-inch border on the remaining three sides. I brushed the pastry top with egg whites and dusted with Turbinado sugar toward the end of baking.
With the left over dough, I made the little pastries which were a big hit with the girls!