As the barn foundation project stretches out into it's sixth month and the piles of broken concrete continue to grow and multiply, I find myself having rather negative thoughts about our little farm. Thoughts like, "This place is a hole" and "I am surrounded by crap". It also happened that our neighbors just had to get cable which involved digging a ditch all along the fence line of our western pasture- totally mucking up the place (and all this for the Hallmark channel!) Combine that with
both mowers breaking down and the bleeping goat getting into the veggie garden and eating our peas, I've been having fantasies about buying a lovely home
in town.
But, as I was walking from the woods after feeding the hens and I watched a Gold Finch fly over the Bay Laurel tree and get chased away by a hummingbird, I knew that I could hold on the positives. It's a beautiful place we live in- it needs a lot of work, but it will get done.
When we moved back to the Pacific Northwest, I had dreams of a 20 acre home. Ha! Three keeps me more than busy.

The goat did not eat the Rainbow Kale, which is so delicious and beautiful right now! The bush beans are growing well. I morn the loss of the peas though. Growing them the last several years has been very special because my daughters love them so much. Very rarely do any peas make it into the house. It's a beautiful thing to stand in the garden and watch your kids gobble fresh peas like they have never tasted anything finer. Ah well, next year.
Wanted: Pea Rustler- Armed & Dangerous