June brings us such treasures of the garden. I made this bouquet of Dianthus, roses and Honey Suckle. When I brought it in and sat it on the table, I thought, 'Wow! That is so lovely!' Somehow, I managed to surprise myself with flowers.

I'm not a rose person. I mean, I
like roses but I always felt that I would not grow them. As it is presently, I have three roses in our yard. The first is a wild rose that has lovely little pink flowers. It smells lovely and showers little rose petals in the paths. The second is a rose bush- also with single pink (brighter pink) flowers. It was given to me by a dear friend. I planted it too close to the fence and the goats almost ate it to death. I moved it and it is happier. The third is a climbing rose that my husband requested- this the the lovely rose in the above pictures. We are training it to climb up the side of our house right beside our bedroom window. So far, so good. I don't worry too much about aphids and black spot. I'm not going to spray them, so they might as well just grow on their own!
Diane, I think this is the most beautiful boquet I've ever seen!
G~ Thanks! I was surprised by the 'whole' after I put it together. Nice how life is like that sometimes...
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