I don't have any pictures, but the barn has a new foundation!!!! Now, new-to-us windows are being installed and hubby found some metal lockers to use as storage. A mountain of broken concrete foundation has been used to make terraced garden beds and a sitting area. It's all still in the rough stage, but I can see how it is coming together- very exciting. I am enjoying thinking about this new garden space- dreaming about what we will plant there. Hubby wants some climbing things- roses and wisteria - who knew he was such a romantic?!
Beach trips: it's been a cool summer, but the girls and I get in as many as we can. To step into the Church of the Crashing Waves and breath in the sea air fills me with such energy!
Drawing a picture of Mama:

The Church of the Crashing Waves at very low tide:

We continue to enjoy the bounty brought to us by our CSA Growing Wild Farm. We have been enjoying delicious green beans, young onions, fantastic beats and more. I love beats with blue cheese! I also made a yummy potato and green bean salad a la Julia. I've got to say that I am craving a tomato- a real tomato! Ahhh, tomato and cucumber sandwich...
The girls and I were greatly amused by this carrot:

Bounty and chaos in the kitchen:

I continue my endeavor to become the Queen of Tarts. It's yummy work. Here are two recent tarts:

Recently a friend recommended Julia Child's book My Life in France. I really enjoyed the book- what a wonderful life she and her husband had! I admired the dedication and work that Julia put into Mastering the Art of French Cooking that I had to buy it. I was pretty intimidated at first, but after making a couple recipes (pastry custard in particular) I have a feeling that this book will become a good friend like it has for some many other people. Cheers, Julia!
And, finally, a poppy for you! Joyous Lammas! Gather ye rosebuds will ye may!

i was just coming to complain about not having anything new to read when ... tada! yeah! i am happy. it sounds like a lovely summer. the tarts look yummy. the carrot is funny. LOL and the beach... ahhh dreamy!
heather (mamaofthree)
Heather! Your wish is my command. :D
I hope you are doing well. I'm really not on MDC anymore and I miss hearing how you and the kids are.
Thanks for reading!
Love your chicken pic, by the way!
isn't she lovely? she is a bit scraggly now, but when we took this... she was so beautiful. LOL
I meant to comment on the starfish... that is just amazing.
How is that lovely garden of yours doing? I stubbled upon that picture you took last year of the flowers all arranged as the chakras... stunning.
Oh, thank you- I love that picture too!
The garden is in it's setting seed phase. The closing stage of summer....
Oh, wanted to tell you that I wanted to comment on your blog, but I don't have an account there.:)
Thanks for reading it. I wish i could write as well as you. I find I mostly rant on my blog. LOL
Thank you. I thought you had many good points in your writing.
I often wonder why I do this. But, it is nice to know that you enjoy reading this. :)
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