For me- and many- the garden is a sacred place- a place for meditation and ritual. A church, if you like. I know no better way to connect to the Divine that to work in my garden- or just walk in the garden- opening my senses and connecting with all that it around me.
When I am planning a garden space- and I am planning a new area with terrace beds and a sitting area by the barn- I like to think about a few important things:
*How will the space be used? Alone or with people? In the daytime or the evening?
*How much sun does the space get a day?
*What are the energies of the area? Spend time there and listen with both your ears and your heart.
*What do you want from the plants? Fragrance? Flowers? Shade?
When I am planning a garden space- and I am planning a new area with terrace beds and a sitting area by the barn- I like to think about a few important things:
*How will the space be used? Alone or with people? In the daytime or the evening?
*How much sun does the space get a day?
*What are the energies of the area? Spend time there and listen with both your ears and your heart.
*What do you want from the plants? Fragrance? Flowers? Shade?
It's raining and cool here today, so after a cup of coffee, I'm going out to cut down a few trees. Not something I usually do, but I have decided that a few trees need to go so that the veggie garden gets some much needed sun.
there is that lovely picture again! love it! and i like the book element. those look really great. must go to the library now and see if i can find any!
as to what you said... so true. i am finding that when i can eek out a few moments in teh garden i feel so much better spiritually.
Hi, H!
You mentioned the rainbow flower picture so I had to go look for it. :) It's a favorite garden picture.
The book list idea came from your blog. I love your book lists, so I wanted to add some too.
Wild energy flying around these days- I think I need to spend more time in the peace and quiet of the garden. Peace to you!
May your sacred spaces hold and keep you during this wild fall energy! :)
the Gods and Goddess book looks really good. do you have all of those books?
I recently got a book "Gardening at the Dragon's Gate" by Wendy Johnson. I haven't started it yet, but it looks really great.
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