Tuesday, February 26, 2008

An afternoon in the garden.

We are having a lovely bit of weather. It won't last- the rain will return and really we want it to. But while the sun shines, come for a little walk in the garden...

~Back on the swing~

~Dotty wonders if she can eat the camera~

~Yoko & Dotty (yes, I'm crazy about my chickens)~

~Lucy stuck all over with twigs~


~Hellebore 2~

~Crocus- love those bright orange naughty bits!~


Amanda T said...

Lovely photos, especially the first one - I'm envious of the flowers and warmth. I'm ready to see the snow melt!

D said...

Thank you! I grew up where Spring came late, so I remember how long February can seem. :)

Garden State Kate said...

Love the Hellebores!
I keep wanting to add them to our garden, but that line keeps getting cut from the budget,lol.
One day....
Thank you so much for visiting and commenting on my blog. :-)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers! We still have snow here!