The best game was Montessori influenced: The Bag of Mystery! One of the girls put on a blindfold and I put something in a cloth bag. They pulled it out- felt it- smelt it- and guessed what it was. So simple and yet entertaining!
For our Unplugged weekly project, so nicely brought to us by the nice family at Unplug Your Kids, was about the topic Alphabet. We went simple again. After my older daughter unshelled last years Scarlet Runner Beans (a fun project all to it's self) we made letter with them on the sunny window sill. They also fit inside the car. :)
I love your use of the beans that you shelled yourselves! That seems like a very peaceful, natural way to practice letters. Hope everyone is on the mend now!
That sounds lovely, and I do hope you are all feeling better!
Thank you! We are all feeling much better- yippee!
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