She is my first softie made from the Aranzi Aronzo book
Cute Dolls. As usual, I seem incapable of following directions. Well, I didn't want to buy fabric (feeling good ex-Catholic guilt for all those years of buying fabric and doing nothing with it)- so I used wool felt instead of cotton jersey as recommended.

Mostly, I think she looks sweet and it came together pretty well. I am most happy with her dress- I have had the cherry blossom fabric and vintage ribbon for years! She went to her new home Friday night with her cheerful 9 month old new friend. Hope she doesn't fall apart.

Satisfaction rating: 85%
Did she like it? Well, she put it right into her mouth, so I think that is a good sign. ;)
I think that's one of the sweetest things I've ever seen!
Thank you, Amanda!
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