Monday, February 4, 2008

bad cookies, bad cookies!

Over the weekend the girls and I made the sugar cookies from the William Sanoma cookbook. Easy, right? Well, baking is tricky, I have found. And for each of my successes I find I have at least one failure. This was a failure. The dough would not stick together. I managed to bake about six cookies- they were decent right out of the oven. But, after an hour, they were hard as a rock.

Here are my guesses as to what went wrong:
  • too much flour
  • butter too cold and didn't get creamy with sugar
  • too much mixing
I don't think the oven was too hot nor did we over bake them. Ah, well!

Satisfaction rating: 20% Hate to waste all that butter! Made the chickens happy though.

Did the girls like them? They each ate a couple right out of the oven- so- Yippee!- not a total gutter ball.


momto5 said...

I hate when cookies don't turn out!


D said...

yes- it sucks- like interrupted sex. :P